Donation campaign

Pink Ribbon Germany

For every purchase, €2 will be donated to Pink Ribbon!

Since 2010, the non-profit communication campaign Pink Ribbon Germany has been raising awareness for the issue of breast cancer in Germany:

– for healthy women with regard to early detection of the disease and ways of reducing the risk through a healthy lifestyle;

– for those affected and their families and also for those around them.

– for those around those affected through a variety of activities and projects

The slogan of the campaign in Germany is: “Breast cancer – early detection? Feeling instead of looking away!”

It is intended to remind women that doctors recommend an annual screening for women from the age of 30 and that this is also paid for by statutory health insurance companies.

In addition, women can help to detect any cancer in good time by performing a monthly breast examination themselves – around 80 per cent of breast cancers are detected during such a self-examination.